Food production is the foundation of any civilisation, of all human and economic development

  Kofi Annan

Industrial Agriculture & Food

The entire food value chain, spanning from agriculture to catering and hospitality, plays a vital role in feeding the global population. However, the 21st century has revealed how this intricate supply chain is susceptible to risks and crises on a global scale, highlighting the growing interdependence that enhances both its efficiency and vulnerability. Ensuring the resilience of the food industry’s supply chain is paramount to safeguard the supply of food to consumers worldwide.

This industry faces significant challenges, ranging from addressing its status as the second-largest CO2 emitting sector in the context of climate change to securing supply chains amidst shifting geopolitical landscapes and dealing with a projected increase in global population for decades to come. These challenges are impacting numerous stakeholders in the industry. Simultaneously, there are vast opportunities for differentiation, climate change mitigation, and adaptation to evolving consumer preferences, encompassing innovations like vertical farming, automation, and novel product development.

In this complex landscape, your organisation requires a strong partner to help navigate these challenges, mitigate risks, and seize the numerous opportunities. At P&Z, we are proud to offer a dedicated team of renowned experts poised to support your journey.

Services Provided

Internationalisation and strategic partnerships

Evaluating opportunities to expand internationally, from defining objectives and strategy to implementing a pragmatic approach to business establishment and securing winning partnerships.

Operational improvement for food processing

Helping you maintain operational efficiency in an industry which is seeing high pressures on margins across the value chain, from procurement optimisation to operations streamlining.

Operational improvements for fresh produce

Improving the efficiency of your fresh produce business from how farming innovation can improve overall farm productivity to supply chain optimisation.

Food supply chain control tower

Design and implementation of an integrated function to oversee the food supply chain from harvest to distribution and/or processing.

Pest and disease management advice

Provide recommendations and strategies for integrated pest and disease control, including the use of biological and ecological methods to minimise chemical usage.

Training and technical assistance

We offer training to farmers on new agricultural techniques, best management practices, modern agricultural technology and other operational processes as well as provide on-field technical assistance

Business plan and marketing strategy development

Developing solid business plans, implementing effective marketing strategies, and identifying market opportunities for food products.

Feasibility studies

Conduct tailored feasibility studies for agricultural projects, including but not limited to: market analysis, assessment of required investments; and risk analysis.

Project management

Provide support in the planning, implementation, and management of agricultural and food processing projects, including coordinating various stakeholders, monitoring activities; and evaluating outcomes.

Environmental management advice

Provide advice on environmentally friendly agricultural practices, management of agricultural waste, biodiversity preservation, etc. and sustainable farming practices