“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it form our children”
De Saint – Exupery
Welcome to our consulting company providing services in sustainability sector.
At our firm, we believe that achieving sustainability means ensuring that economic, environmental, and social concerns are integrated into decision-making processes. We strive to provide our clients with innovative solutions that maximise sustainability and promote ethical practices.
We acknowledge the increasing understanding that success is not only about profit, but it also encompasses taking responsibility for the impact a company has onsociety and the environment. Our team is experienced in developing sustainablestrategies and identifying opportunities that balance between achieving profitabilityand promoting social and environmental impact.
In recent years, there has been a growing demand for sustainable businessoperations, and it is fast becoming a crucial part of every organisation’s purpose. Ourteam is committed to staying up to date with the latest trends and technologiesrelated to sustainability. Our aim is to help businesses create a sustainable future forthe planet while achieving their bottom line objectives.
We understand that creating a sustainable future is a team effort, and we are excitedto work with you to make a positive difference. Let us guide you towards a future of sustainability and ethical practices, while achieving your economic goals.
Sustainability assessment and consultancy
Provide advice and recommendations to businesses and organisations to improvetheir sustainability performance, particularly in areas such as greenhouse gas emissions reduction, efficient resource usage, and responsible waste management.
Sustainable project management
Assist companies in developing and implementing sustainable projects, such as installing solar panels, creating recycling programs, or implementing energyefficiency measures.
Communication and awareness
Develop communication strategies to raise public and stakeholder awareness aboutsustainability issues and promote sustainable behaviors and actions.
Training and education
Provide training on sustainable principles and practices to help businesses and individuals understand and incorporate sustainable practices into their daily activities.
Certification and labeling
Assist companies in obtaining certifications and labels that demonstrate theircommitment to sustainability, such as ISO 14001 certifications for environmentalmanagement or eco-labels.
Research and studies
Conduct studies and research on topics related to sustainability, such as theenvironmental impact of industrial activities, energy efficiency of buildings, orcircular economy models.
Responsible investment consulting
Assist investors in making informed investment decisions regarding sustainability byevaluating the environmental, social, and governance performance of companies.
Certifications & Eco-labels
Our certified consultants have great experience in developing quality and eco-management systems to obtain certifications, eco-labels as well as carbon neutral labels for businesses, products or services.
Environmental Consultancy & Management
We provide environmental consultancy services & technical support for various projects including strategic planning, technical studies, impact assessments, environmental permitting, environmental due diligence.
Climate Change & Carbon Consultancy
We offer sustainable solutions to climate change issues through carbon management. We also provide a range of tools to help businesses and stakeholders manage, monitor & offset their carbon footprint.
Software Development
We specialise in developing service- specific tailored models, databases, tools and software, providing custom solutions on a variety of environmental aspects and services.
Research Projects
We have great experience in running & coordinating EU funded Research Projects (LIFE, H2020, Interreg etc), focusing on innovative environmental products & services.
Business Sustainability & Funding Consultancy
We provide tailored services regarding sustainable development as well as services relating to recognizing National & EU funding opportunities and prepare proposals & applications.
Carbon emission reduction
Science without conscience is only ruin of thesoul.
Understanding the scientific basis of human-induced climate change must make it possible to establish its consequences and to consider adaptation and mitigation strategies.

The mandate of the IPCC is to assess, without bias and in a methodical and objectivemanner, available scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant tothe issue of climate change. This information is synthesised from research or studiescarried out by scientists, experts or organisations and published in scientific journals.

The IPCC is not a laboratory or a structure that sponsors and finances its ownresearch. It is a place of collective expertise aimed at synthesizing the work carriedout in laboratories around the world.

The IPCC works to clearly identify elements that are the basis of consensus in thescientific community and to identify limitations in knowledge or interpretation of results.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
The mandate of the IPCC is to assess, without bias and in a methodical and objective manner, available scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to the issue of climate change. This information is synthesized from research or studies carried out by scientists, experts or organisations and published in scientific journals.
The IPCC is not a laboratory or a structure that sponsors and finances its own research. It is a place of collective expertise aimed at synthesizing the work carried out in laboratories around the world.
The IPCC works to clearly identify elements that are the basis of consensus in the scientific community and to identify limitations in knowledge or interpretation of results.
Understanding the scientific basis of human-induced climate change must make it possible to establish its consequences and to consider adaptation and mitigation strategies.